If you're thinking about getting into gaming, the options for equipment, accessories, computer servicing stores and gaming service providers can be extremely overwhelming. So, we've put together some tips to make your transition into gamerhood smooth and stress-free:
Don't skimp on your gaming machine: there is a fine line between excessive spending and ensuring you have a good experience. It's kind of like riding a bike. If you spend $50, you're probably going to get a super heavy frame, with dodgy gears and terrible brakes that make your experience a negative one. Spend a little more on the right components, and you get a frame that's not such a slog to ride uphill, shifts smoothly and brakes when you need it to. It's the same with gaming. Get a machine that has an adequate CPU, sufficient memory, a good cooling system and a monitor that enhances your visual experience and you will enjoy your newfound pasttime.
Leave room to grow: much like a bike, you'll want room to grow as your skills develop. As you grow as a gamer, you may want to take on more challenging games that require more memory and CPU, or perhaps a better graphics card. Find a machine that allows for expansion. We HIGHLY recommend a custom built machine like our line of Concept Custom Computers, which can be built to your skill level and leave room for future development.
Get cooler: now that you have a machine that allows you to grow, be sure you have adequate cooling systems, especially in the summer months. Add an extra fan and ensure your cooling paste is up to snuff for the hot season.
Accessorize: If you've got a machine that you're satisfied with, you'll want to pair it with the right accessories. Ergonomic, game-specific keyboards and mice and a decent headset can really make a difference in your comfort level and gaming longevity. If a keyboard and mouse aren't for you while gaming, there are also lots of options for Windows-compatible controllers.
Get comfortable: Your rump and back can take a big hit over those long gaming sessions. Be sure you have a quality gaming chair with good back support.
Clean regularly: A dirty, dusty machine will overheat easily and either cause massive performance problems for your machine or shut it down entirely. Once you've gotten to that point, you're looking at costly repair bills. So take a bit of time to ensure that your rig is free of dust bunnies, cleaned GENTLY! It is also worth it to look into professional cleaning services, like those offered at Concept Computers, which will open your chassis and ensure all fans and vents are dust-free and will gently clean components without the risk of damage.
Download Steam: this is an online gaming service must-have with a HUGE library of games. HOT TIP: if you try out a game and don't like it, you can request a refund from Steam.
Try out mods: If you finished a game that you loved, you can exercise one of the advantages of being a PC gamer vs a console gamer and download modifications to the game that can bring in new storylines, characters and challenges.
Ready to talk to one of our gaming experts about your new set-up? Come see us in-store at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
keywords: tips for new gamers, what to know if you're thinking about gaming, pc gaming vs console gaming, is pc gaming better?, new pc gamer