You finally got yourself a gaming computer, but now that you've had a chance to dive into the gaming world, you're exploring new, more intricate and challenging games but you're noticing some glitches. The first thing you'll want to do is to check your computer specs to make sure that your machine can handle what your game needs from it.
Ok, easy peasy... right? Don't worry, it's actually not as complicated as it sounds. Here's how you do it (these instructions are for Windows 11, but previous operating system instructions are quite similar):
Head to your Start menu in the system tray
Click on the Settings app, which looks like a gear icon
In the pop-up window that appears, be sure you have the System menu selected in the left-hand pane
Scroll waaaaaaay down to the bottom and click on About and your device specifications should appear
Need some help deciphering said specifications? No problem! Our knowledgeable staff can let you know which items are up to snuff and which could use an upgrade.
For all your gaming needs, come see us in-store at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
keywords: how to check my computer specs, can my computer handle this game?, what computer specs do i need for gaming?, gaming computer requirements