Thinking about selling your products on your website? There are quite a few things to consider when building an e-store, security being paramount. It is extremely important to ensure that your client's personal and banking/credit card information can be safely entered into your website without risk of compromise. This could severely damage both your customers lives and your business.
Step one is ensuring you have a reputable and secure e-commerce host. The best of these hosts offer virtual private servers to ensure both high performance and security.
Next, get an SSL certificate. This is a certificate that enables your site to have an encrypted connection. This is an essential precursor to switching to https (as opposed to http, as denoted at the start of your website address), which actually encrypts your website before any information is exchanged. It's important to note that sites are actually ranked much higher if they have an encrypted site.
Finally, use a tried and tested ecommerce platform. These typically offer a highly-ranked user-experience AND regularly push security updates and patches (which you are responsible for updating) to ensure the highest level of security.
If this all seems a lot for you, never fear! Concept is here! We offer full website design and maintenance packages so you don't have to worry about SS-whats and HTTP-whos-its. To speak to one of our expert web designers come see us in-store at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
keywords: how to make a secure website, how to start an online store, ecommerce tips, what is ssl, what is https, https vs http, adding a store to my website